(Note: Sometimes you read a really good article and can't wait to use it in your work. Then your eyes wonder up to the author and suddenly panic hits. You are going to have to quote the author back to the author. That is what happened in this case. I hope I understood the authors' points correctly and do not butcher their work upon reflection.)
Blogging is another web 2.0 tool that can be used in the classroom to create authentic audiences for students' work. There are many blogging services out there, for more information about individual services visit the Teach Web 2.0 wiki or this blog entry.
When students construct knowledge they need an authentic place to present or publish this knowledge (Ferdig and Trammell, 2004). Blogs are a venue that can provide a place to publish and present work - and not just written work but also videos, slide shows, podcast and other multimedia presentations. The blog can also offer the opportunity to work through concepts and knowledge by posting reflections and analysis coupled with the opportunity to revise and adapt their work (Ferdig and Trammell, 2004). The blog becomes the student's own personal space to explore their ideas.
Through comments and hyperlinks viewers can provide feedback, constructive criticism, different perspectives, and more information to the blogger, thus enriching the learning experience (Ferdig and Trammell, 2004). Teachers can take an active role in attracting audiences to their students' blogs by linking to them, sharing them with peers and colleagues and tweeting about them on Twitter. It is these authentic audiences that lead students to think more critically, write more, and write better (Ferdig and Trammell, 2004).
The article suggests that teachers should "provide a set of strict rules for blogging such as frequency, length of posts, number of hyperlinks and staying on topic" (Ferdig and Trammell, 2004, 14). I, humbly, disagree. When strict guidelines are set, I think the student would begin to write more for the teacher and the grade rather than for the analyzing, reflection, and learning. I would prefer set up clear expectations with my students and grade them based on a rubric, like the one found here. When using a rubric as grading tool, I think it is important to show students examples of excellent, good, and poor work.
I do agree, however, that time must spent discussing with students what is and is not appropriate for blog posting. In addition, students should be made aware that once something is out there it can never be totally erased - even with editing and deletion (Ferdig and Trammell, 2004). A demonstration of the Wayback Machine would be a great resource for this discussion. Along with this message, a discussion of internet safety should take place.
Ferdig, R. E. and Trammell, K. D. (2004). Content delivery in the 'blogosphere'. T H E Journal (Technological Horizons in Education), 31.7(Feb 2004). Retrieved March 30, 2009 from Academia OneFile database.
Video: “The History of the English Language”
18 hours ago